I am a photographer.
I am a southerner.
I am male.
I am an artist.
But most of all, I am tired as hell.
Hi, my name is Hunter Sloan and I am a Brookie.
What does this mean? Why do I think that I am cooler than the knees of bees? Why am I so damn tired? This, and many more questions you have, will all be answered in due time but for now I'll let you in on my life and why I'm here today.
A Brookie is a person that decided that being $90,000+ in debt is a good idea in order to become a professional, well sought after commercial artist. What is it about Brooks, though, makes me want to be so far in debt? Well, I want to grow as a photographer in the commercial industry to the point where I can be financially comfortable with a pleased feeling at the end of the day about what it is that I do and I feel that Brooks Institute can give me that exact feeling (or maybe regret and crippling debt with a side of homelessness and chickenpox).
I was born and raised in Louisiana (originally born in Baton Rouge but raised in Shreveport with four years living in Dixie). I feel that, while I hated almost every moment of it, it helped me to grow to become the artist and "rebel child" that you know today to be Hunter (Bean) Lee Sloan. My driving competition growing up was my sister. This is because when we would come home from art class (before our state decided to cut most funding to the programs) my sister would have pieces that I thought were the bees knees and my mother admired much more than the slop I created. From crayon colorings on paper plates to charcoal pieces framed above the computer my sister always succeeded while I just couldn't quite get to her level.
I plan on explaining more into my exciting life as time goes on but right now I'm tired as hell and plan on finishing my Lighting Studio write-ups and crying over freshly made coffee at 12:12 AM. Auf wiedersehen