So I got to do my interview last Thursday with Dean DePhillipo! It was actually really fun being able to mix general conversation with questions about a field I find really interesting. Also I just had the problem with my space bar not working because someone - the real natalie frank - threw their phone on my keyboard #rude. Anyways, he and I sat down in his office and kind of hit it off really well. He used to work with Ralph on some projects (Ralph was even his teacher at one point) and I thought that was so cool. Like two professors, one was once the student of the other, both have worked together on awesome projects. That's just really cool.
So some of my questions were:
- What got you into scientific photography
- Have you reached your original goals you set for yourself in this field
- Did you ever work in another field/have a different genre of photography
- Do you feel it’s better to free lance or work for a specific business in this field
- Do you have a blog you post your work on? Why/why not
- What would you do differently if you could go back to the beginning of your career
- Do you write your own contracts/model releases
- What kind of articles/writings have you written in your career? Why
- Do you create write-ups after a shoot
The answers I got to these (and the rest of the questions) were really interesting. My favorite answer from him when asking what he would do differently if he could go back to the beginning of his career was "Start a retirement plan after graduation if not earlier". I don't know, it just tickled me a bit.
Overall I really enjoyed interviewing Dean because of his personable vibe he gave off. Very easy to work with and I would like to get to know him more after that!
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